Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Oxfam Kenya Jobs. Information Technology Officer And Plant Electrician Jobs.

Oxfam’sKenya Programme is a complex programme that incorporates both rapid and slowonset emergencies as well as longer term development and policy work.

Oxfam Kenya applies a one programme approach which means it has multipleactivities that support a holistic approach to humanitarian, development andadvocacy for long lasting change in poverty reduction.

Oxfam in Kenya works in the north, principally in Turkana, Dadaab and Wajir,the Nairobi informal
settlements and on national level advocacy and coordination issues in multistakeholder fora.

Oxfam has launched its largest ever appeal in Africa in response to the massivefood crisis facing more than 12 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya.

In Kenya, Oxfam aims to help 1.3 million people with clean water, cashinitiatives and veterinary support people’s livestock.

To this end, we are seeking to fill the following positions:
Information Technology Officer
Location: Dadaab
Contract:Fixed Term contract upto March 2012

The IT Officer will be required to support the email system and ensure itsreliability in the Dadaab office, ensure effective data management in theserver including disaster recovery that ensures data is backed up and restorationtested regularly to ensure business continuity as well as provide support toprogrammes in implementing and maintaining applications that assist them intheir day to day work.

The post-holder will manage the deployment of crucial systems upgrade,configure hardware and setup according to the set global standards, organiseand conduct formal Induction to all new staff, as well as ensure usercompliance to internal policies and procedures and report to RegionalInformation & Systems Manager in case of violations.

The incumbent of this position will contribute to budgeting and forecasting inrelation to IT equipment, provide first level support to hardware/softwaremaintenance & upgrades in the Dadaab office as well as act as the supportperson during system upgrades or rollouts by independently carrying out ISsystems upgrades in the Dadaab offices.

To be successful in this role you will have a graduate in Computer Science orInformation systems and professional training on computers, with knowledge onLocal Area Networks, servers (basic hardware and software), possess high levelof competence in development and implementation of computerised systems and betechnically competent in area of specialisation and/or experience in ITworkflows.

You will be required to have good written and verbal communication skills inEnglish, possess the ability to take initiative in problem solving andlearn/follow Oxfam policies and (technical) procedures to do the job.

In-depth experience in similar role is mandatory.
Plant Electrician
Location: Dadaab
Contract:Fixed Term contract upto March 2012
The Plant electrician will be expected to service and maintain gensets andpumps by monitoring all the electrical installations in the generator rooms andmaking recommendations of their replacements or repairs.

S/he will be expected to retrieve, repair and install boreholes submersiblepumps, monitoring yield trends and behaviour of boreholes and suggest relevantremedial measures where necessary as well as repair and maintain standbycontrol panels, change over switches and other
electrical equipments in the workshop.

The postholder will be expected to prepare weekly and monthly unit reports onjobs and conditions of all the relevant systems, do technical designs of the powergrid for the Oxfam compounds in Dadaab and also assist in supervision of thecontractors doing upgrade or installations of the power grids in Oxfamcompounds.

To be successful in this role you will have a suitable qualification (Plantelectrician grade one/diploma plant option) coupled with in-depth experience inplant workshop and in relevant field work.

You will be expected to be proficient in MS Office software and in possessionof excellent communication skills in English and Swahili languages (bothwritten and spoken).

You should be willing and ready to work for long and odd hours and have theability to work with minimal supervision.

To apply
Ifyou believe you fit the profile, please submit your application and CVdetailing your experience for the post and including daytime telephone contactand two referees, preferably your current line managers to kenyajobs@oxfam.org.uk 0R drop your application at Oxfam Dadaab mainoffice not later than 3rd October 2011.

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