Thursday, 10 November 2011

HELB Research Consultancy Services Job in Kenya

Higher Education Loans Board
Expression of Interest
EOI Ref: HELB/EOI/05/2011 – 2012

Provision of Research Consultancy Services (Re-Advertisement)
The Higher Education Loans Board is a state corporation whose mandate is to source for funds and provide loans, scholarships and bursaries to Kenyans studying in recognized institutions of higher learning.

HELB intends to engage reputable consultants to carry out a research and provide advisory services in the SUSTAINABILITY AND GROWTH OF THE HELB REVOLVING FUND.
HELB wishes to invite interested eligible bidders with relevant experiences to submit their Expression of Interest for the provision of this service.

Interested individuals, firms or research institutions will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate the following:
  • At least five years experience in research.
  • Experience in the field of higher education financing.
  • Experience in the fields of finance and retail banking.
  • Research experience in the field of higher education.
Interested individuals, firms or research institutions should provide detailed CV’s and a company profile where applicable demonstrating their technical competence to undertake the assignment.
The Expression of Interest enclosed in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked HELB/EOI/05/2011 – 2012: PROVISION OF RESEARCH CONSULTANCY SERVICES should be deposited in the Tender Box at Anniversary Towers, 19th floor along University Way or sent by post to:-

The Board Secretary/C.E.O,
Higher Education Loans Board,
P. O. Box 69489 – 00400

so as to be received on or before Thursday 24th November 2011 at 11.00 a.m.
The EOI’s will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at 11.15 a.m. at the main Boardroom on 19th floor, Anniversary Towers, University Way.

Only short listed firms, individuals or Research Institutions who meet the requirements stated above shall be invited to submit their proposals.


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